My only experience of Chile on this journey is of a town on the northern part, and I regret not seeing more. When getting there, it looks like it doesn’t offer much, but it has A LOT to offer. Very much a touristic town, it had countless tour companies, modern European restaurants, and one of the better free public WiFi access (I know...surprising). It DID make it hard to find traditional food to try, but it made up for it with what the area has to offer.
On My first day half of it was spent trying to get used to the altitude. Being 2400m above sea level it is the start of my slow ascent to some of the highest attractions in the world. Once the headache eased I visited the Valle de la Lunar (Moon Valley). More carved stone mountains surrounded by the white salt of the dried lakes, in one of the driest areas of the world. The terrain similar to that the moon (hence the name). There I got to watch the sunset behind the cliffs in another gorgeous display of colours, not only in the sky, but as the sun sinks it gives the surrounding hills changes of colour, like pink and purple.
Early morning start for a day trip to see volcanic rock, lagoons, and flamingos. Being the ONLY english speaker on this tour (other than the tour guide), I got to practice the little Spanish I know, and found how just how bad I was. The beautiful scenery of snow capped volcanoes, blue lagoons, and pink flamingos was something I did not expect in what felt like the middle of nowhere! That night I was supposed to star gaze. Considered one of the best locations in the world because of no light, no humidity, and amazing constellations I was excited...but alas, the booking that was made was mistaken and I missed out. Oh well, I will have to return!
Early start tomorrow for an adventure to the salt flats of Bolivia.
I'm on a road to nowhere
Blue skies, red hills, and white salt
Valle de la Lunar
Gorgeous colours of the mountains
Red lava rock