My last full day here and I decided to visit a concentration camp. A reminder of a very difficult history for the world. You hear the stories, learn about it in school, read about it in books, but nothing compares to immersing yourself into the Centre of where it all happened. The site was preserved enough that I was able to walk through its jails, dorms, and its death rooms. Each room giving information on happenings, pictures, and stories of the victims. There was not a single step I took that didn’t have my hairs standing on end. Truly an emotionally-confronting exhibit. There were a range of people held here – people prosecuted for their religion (of many kinds), prisoners of war, political leaders of oppositions, gays, and more. All of which were treated in a way I do not wish to discuss, but instead, urge you to educate yourself on.
It sits heavy on one’s heart to hear what these people endured, and how twisted the punishers must have been.
The only thing that brings hope is that humanity learns from its past, and hope not to repeat it. But alas, similar things still happen to this day.
A must-do while in Berlin. If not for yourself, out of respect for those who suffered.
I'm heading to Prague, so I promise the next ost will be light. X
Death pit