I spent 2 full days here and on the first day I hated it. To calm my Rome-lovers out there, rest assured the second day had established a never-ending love affair with the city.
The first day I was excited to explore Vatican City and its famous Sistine chapel! I’m not going to lie, this is where I my disappointment began. Don’t get me wrong. The incredible art of the one-and-only Michaelangelo was nothing less than magnificent, but it was IMPOSSIBLE to really enjoy it and take the details in when you (and the 1 billion other people) are being herded like sheep. We were yelled at to “DON’T STOP. NO TALKING. MOVE ALONG. NO PICTURES. NO VIDEO...” constantly. I walked for hours through the Vatican city in the 37° heat trying to manoeuvre around more than (literally) 25,000 people with hardly a place to sit. And if you found a step to try and rest, you were yelled at. Finally arrived at the place I was truly looking forward to seeing and end up having only 20 mins of viewing time while being shoved along to the exit. You'd come out with a head ache and a hatred for the day too, just as I did. Mind you, I paid the extra amount to skip the line. There were people that waited along the outside walls, in the heat, for 4 HOURS just to end up finally getting in and dealing with the above. Not worth it to me. Sorry Vatican City lovers. Perhaps I’ll return at a slower time? OK rant over...now to the good stuff...
However, day 2 was A-MAZ-ING! So much history, such little time. Of course, I visited the colosseum! I spent over 4 hours walking through the historic Roman forum which includes the colosseum and palatine hill, with Structures built between 800B.C, through 50B.C (with Julius Caesar), to 312A.D. All of which had come with millenniums of stories that go with them – and my incredible tour guide knew them all! I’m not going to tell you all the details...let’s face it, it’s MUCH more interesting while you’re actually there, BUT, I’ll try and give little fun facts in the photos below.
Then to further my love of Rome, I wandered around at night, and it came alive! Lights, markets, food...one of my favourite times in Rome.
2 days, combined 50,000 steps, and I already want to go back to Rome.
The beginning of Vatican City
Pretty ceiling within it
A very sophisticated and intelligent design for very barbaric activities! This famous amphitheater could hold between 50-80,000 people, and even managed to fill up with water for faux navel battles at times!
Roman forum
Being an abandoned city for more than 1000 years you can see that a new door to this building is so much higher than its base, because over so much time it was covered in debris that the ground actually sat where the door is now.
The gorgeous city at night
St Peters basilica
Trevi fountain